Thursday, September 11, 2008

Explaining Sept. 11th

Today I got to explain Sept. 11th to Ahnika. (Yikes... but she asked why it was a "holiday"... heh)
Upon finishing my rather brief explanation of the sick, chaotic story, she said...
"Why? Because they had nothing better to do?" (heh again - sarcasm from a 7 year old =D)
And I gave her a bit of a better explanation of the events.
Ahnika: "Well that must not have made God very happy."
Also true.

Then she brought up a book about two ladies who had been traveling from another country to New York for a special flower show that was supposed to take place on Sept. 11th - a true story. We read the book a LONG time ago... probably close to a year! It never ceases to amaze me, the trivia my children pull from mid-air... and most of it learned during story time!

It struck me again just how different the lives of my children will be, when compared to the world I knew as a child.

And this would be why...

... you should never leave markers within ANY kind of climbing reach of an almost-2-year-old.

(she wanted to get in on the homeschooling action with her big sisters... yikes.)

Very short election dissertation

Well... short considering what I'm capable of! ha.

I'm seriously beyond thrilled in McCain's choice for Sarah Palin as his VP.
By principle I'm a Libertarian (short version = little to no federal gov.t involvement... local govt. laws, more power to the people, etc, yadda yadda... for those that have no clue what a libertarian is...)

Anywho, I had planned on writing in Ron Paul on the ballot, but don't feel I need to any longer. McCain has honestly been quite a suprise, and I absolutely admire Palin. For SOOOO many reasons! Their moral stance clinches the deal for me, but I truly appreciate their ideas on education, and energy. The only thing I'm not sure they'll be able to do much about is the health care crisis. And it IS a crisis when a family has to pay more than their mortgage per month for insurance, even before deductibles, etc. BUT I'm for reform options in that area, vs. tax increases.