Thursday, April 10, 2008

Honest Summation of the Week Thus Far ;)

Sleep - Didn't get even 2/3 as much as I should have.  I have very valid reasons for having stayed up late all but one night (mostly because my hubby was working until at LEAST midnight quite a bit, and going in rather early in the a.m. - I wanted to see him - also I feel guilty sleeping when he can't - also I'm a night person ;)   ).  Be that as it may, I had valid reasons for going to bed as well... I should have chosen the latter, I suppose.

Schoolwork - Ahnika pretended to not know what on earth she was doing a couple of times - both times with things she's known for well over a year!  argh.  However, quite a bit was actually learned, so I need to stop focusing on the frustrations and instead focus on the big picture...  Talia keeps going back and forth with learning to read.  Some days she'll tell me exactly how words are spelled and what they say - other days she'll stare at a word and apparently freeze.  (I think it's actually accidental daydreaming in may of those cases - just like her mother. =D)  I'm not worried about it though because (1) She's only in preschool, and (2) She did the same thing when learning her alphabet and numbers and all came out well! ;)  
I need to be more disciplined MYSELF about structuring certain class times... I had a rigid schedule made up, but with the goings on the past couple of months it went the way of the dodo.  Also, whenever ONE child gets sick, everything ends up going awry.  But they are in their early years of school, AND with the bambino (espec. when cutting those last blasted teeth ;)  ) things can get a little out of sorts - espec. when she decides to be up half the night out of the blue, and no amount of orajel will make her sleep!

Meals - While I still haven't made a menu (mostly because I'm pretty sure I won't stick to it at this point), everything went off without a hitch!  I made a chicken dinner on Monday (less than $5 for a whole one at Wallyworld - as loathe as I am to shop there...), had homeade chicken stew on Tues. and Wed., along with leftover for the entire dinner...  I also made two delicious loaves of cinnamon bread with cinnamon butter, baking powder bisquits, and pan rolls.
I really DO need to learn to bake "healthy"/organic/whatever... be that as it may, the girls love it either way! :)  Goal for next week.. get some "healthier" (supposedly) flour and make our bread for the week instead of buying it...  I don't know if this is a good idea though - for more reasons than I'm going to bore you all w/at this time!

Weather - Started off gloomy and is now beautiful! yay!

Attitude - Started off gloomy and is now doing much better. ;) yay again!

Patience - We're working on that too.

Spiritually Speaking - satan tried to win a major battle, and came too dang close for comfort.  I was not nearly as fortified as I thought I was.  Notice the I's. heh  It's been a really really rough month or so for me - even aside from the year - for way more reasons than the surface ones!  The ONLY way I can break free from that is God's grace and HIS power.  Why on earth I can't spring into action immediately on 'remembering Him' (so to speak), or maybe have the Truth sink more deeply into my thick skull is beyond me.  I'm so thankful that darkness holds no atomic weight, and in Light, ceases altogether!


Sarah C said...

Robyn - it sounds like a very normal week in every way! Ups and downs. . .

Sleep - I also get less sleep consistently b/c I love and miss my husband and because I feel guilty that he doesn't get much sleep either

Schoolwork - I am a terrible daydreamer too. They say our attention wanders every 7 minutes!

Meals - I've been using a bread recipe I got from Nana which I can send you if you want it. It's turned out well for me thus far and makes 3 whole loaves so I don't have to bake so often and I use all the "stove energy" at once. Are you also considering using natural cleaning products rather than poison in a bottle? I'm switching over to natural cleaning products and have noticed a significant improvement in the results! Unbelievable.

Meals - sounds delicious! I love chicken; whole or in stew! Yummmmy! If you wanted, you could prepare 4 or 5 menu "ideas" for a week and then prepare them in whatever order works

Spiritual - I'll be praying for you. It's funny - I often think I'm so fortified as well and then the devil gets me from one second to the next! Guess we are "earthen vessels" Consistent time in God's Word has helped me quite a bit with this battle; at least daily refreshing my "remembrance" of God

Have a good day (I might as well have blogged this comment, it's so long. can it be we're related???)

Robyn said...

S.~ haha... my attention wanders every 7 seconds I do believe! =D

I'd checked out some natural cleaning products.. but I only buy them if they're on sale. Someone tried to talk us into getting set up with Melalucca but it drove me nuts - so now,luckily, a lot of other companies are creating their own!!! I'm strictly a comet user for the bathroom, typically, and Dean's mother LOVES to buy me antibacterial kitchen cleaners! hahaha.. I have NO idea why, but she brings me 4 bottles every time she visits.. and it's not because my kitchen is dirty - she just says she loves it! =D

I really do need to do that with my meals... perhaps I will start tomorrow! I love preparing the menus! I just seriously reek at sticking to the plan! :)

Thank you for the prayers! The consistent time with God and prayer and Bible study is what helps me as well - but I've also noticed that the closer I am to "where I should be", the harder evil tries to attack and oppress. Infuriating! But true. Putting on the full armor is necessary, but I often run out the door half undressed in that sense... speaking of attention spans! HA

Indeed, I think we are!!!! (related that is! =D)