Wednesday, April 2, 2008

So Here We Go

I am in my first year of homeschooling, and since I've been thinking, for the past two years, of restarting a regular journaling blog, here it is!

I'm hoping to find some other blogging, homeschooling mothers to swap ideas and advice with, and gain some knowledge from, about this new adventure on which my family has embarked.  I am currently attempting to tweak a daily schedule that I made a few months back.  I am definitely a night-owl, so I've had to change quite a bit about myself recently.  When it comes to schooling, my biggest challenge is patience and staying calm (especially w/ a very active 18 mo. old, and when the difficulty with a subject isn't lack of understanding, but lack of focusing).  I've found that the patience and steadiness come much easier on a full night of sleep and when I've spent time praying before the girls are awake in the morning.  This is a no-brainer, but needed to be learned anywho.

We've been using ABeka for the majority of our materials, but will only be using them for English/Language courses once we have finished with this year.  I'm excited about starting Saxon Math, and will be planning my own History/Social Studies classes.  I have not decided on a new science curriculum yet.  I've also ordered some Harcourt SOL readiness booklets - just to make sure we are covering a few of the things the local schools are, in that aspect. (Though I believe that SOL's are a joke, technically speaking...)

I have found the Dollar Tree (shocker!!!) to be a wealth of bulletin-board-type resources for homeschooling.  I made a flannel board, which was quite easy and very inexpensive, and we have a some different sized whiteboards, small bulletin boards, and enough art/craft/classroom supplies for a small army.  I love finding educational games and projects on sale (TJ Maxx and Target are great for this)!

I tremendously enjoy organizing! The only problem I've run into, is that the room we use for schooling is also our dining room. I want to keep it adult-friendly (especially for company), but it's important that it's inviting for the girls, most of all. I've pretty much come to terms with the fact that my house will not be spotless again for at least ten years. I've always hated clutter, so I do try to keep things in some semblance of order... to everything there is a basket, and a rubbermaid container (or gallon ziploc bag) for every supply under heaven. ;)

In conclusion to this "introduction", I must say, I'm shocked by how much I enjoy homeschooling! I was always the one who swore I never would! (Two years of my oldest daughter in the raunchy public education system, and a good dose of perspective solved that... =D) I do have to remind myself often that I only have a few short years, in relation to all of our lives, to spend with my daughters. When I think about things with eternity in mind, it's surprising just how much more exciting (and in some ways, easier), everything becomes.


Sarah C said...

Robyn, congrats on your new blog! It is so much fun to blog, and read what others are saying on their blogs, and realize we're all going through the same things, and get ideas from each other . . . even though I'm not a homeschooling mom, I intend to keep up with you =)
As far as homeschooling goes, one thought I've had about it (I never thought I'd homeschool either, but have changed my mind) is that if according to the Bible we're are to train them up in the way they should go, why would we send them daily to a place where the Bible is defamed and eroded from their minds? How can I NOT take every opportunity to actively spend that time teaching and training them in the Lord so that when they are old they will not depart from it?
Anyway, enjoy the journey!

Robyn said...

Sarah~ Exactly! I've been studying a LOT about that exact vs. for a while now, and it's actually made me more excited than ever!
The actual Hebrew translation for that verse is "Train up a child according to his bent..." How awesome a responsibility! In the vast majority of ANY outside education system, there is already a fixed mindset of the way each child should be... in other words - no special training for aptitudes other than the strict academic schedules that they are made to keep. No going beyond them, and certainly not aside from them!
It thrills me that God has made each child (each one of us, obviously - for that matter =D) so unique to His purposes. Just like one part of The Body of Christ cannot say to another part that they are useless in any way - they are each important - but for different reasons!
I've loved seeing the areas at which the girls are 'bent' - at which they naturally excell/have an aptitude for! It's humbling that God would use me to help mold those very special characteristics into what will make them amazing women after His heart!
It also makes me wonder just how many beautiful gifts are shoved aside and stifled so that everyone can be 'conformed to the [mold] of the world...' instead of into the amazing person that their Creator designed them to be!